Here's a collection of code snippets from various technologies that I have used before. Feel free to make use of them!
In this short article, we will add Tailwind to your WordPress theme development pipeline.
In this short article, I will show you how you can easily add Tailwind to your Shopify theme deveopment pipeline.
Use the Record typescript type to define an object with a dynamic key and value.
Learn how to add Shadcn to a Nextjs project and configure it to work with your Nextjs project.
Learn how to add tailwind to a React Vite project and configure it to work with your React project.
Setting up Absolute Imports with jsconfig
Learn how to handle navigation in Next.js using the new hooks.
Improve React development efficiency using ComponentPropsWithoutRef.
Style third party react components easily with arbitrary variants of tailwind
Learn how to analyze dependencies in your Node.js project using Depcheck.
How to import database (I've done this with 10gb databases) into sql
These are the only tailwind flex classes you need to know to create visually appealing layouts.
Setting up Absolute Imports with jsconfig
Improve React development efficiency using ComponentPropsWithoutRef.
A few ways of retrieving an random database record with Laravel Model.
The base setup for a Laravel, Inertia.js, React and Typescript project. This is a great starting point for a new project, if you don't feel like using Laravel Breeze.
Improve React development efficiency using ComponentPropsWithoutRef.
Improve React development efficiency using ComponentPropsWithoutRef.
This code snippet explains how to use querySelectorAll to match HTML classes using different selectors.
My three and only git commands that I use everyday
Here are some CSS selectors you should know about, but might not be using.
With the most popular utility-first CSS framework, Tailwind, you can organize classes into different layers for flexibility and customization.
Learn how I build this awesome gradient border button with Tailwind CSS and React. This button has a moving gradient border effect that makes it pop like crazy!
A short tutorial on how to add a custom scrollbar to your website using tailwindcss.
Tailwind grid is a game-changer for creating amazing and responsive web layouts.
The best replacement for margins in CSS. If you are using margins for spacing, you are doing it wrong.